Fodies Tips

Polish furniture yourself without polishing:


Polish furniture yourself without polishing:

Emptying, polishing, and resetting furniture for polishing is almost as labor-intensive as it is for women to paint. Sometimes it is very easy to use a muslin cloth. Thoroughly clean all the dust from the furniture. Now mix one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of any cooking oil to make a mixture. Now apply this mixture on the furniture in a very small amount and clean the furniture with the help of a muslin cloth. If you want, for your own convenience, keep cleaning the furniture a little bit every day with this recipe. In a few days, everything will start to shine and you will not be burdened too much. Be sure to apply the mixture in a small area with the help of a muslin cloth. Then, as far as possible, avoid mixing this mixture on the furniture in large quantities to get the desired results easily.

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