Fodies Tips

Eliminate dark circles around the eyes!


Eliminate dark circles around the eyes!

Eliminate dark circles around the eyes!

The most important thing in this regard is your health, for which proper diet, rest, and light exercise are essential. In the same way, many times allergy complaint is also one of the reasons for this, so be sure to check with the nearest medical doctor and follow their instructions regularly. If you read books, etc., then make sure that the light does not fall directly on the eyes during this time. Similarly, sewing, embroidering, and lying down to study in low light not only affects the eyesight but also the pressure on the eyes and the mind can increase the circles around the eyes. Gently apply the special oil on the affected areas with the help of fingertips. In the meantime, move the pores from the pelvis to the nose, never let the skin get stretched. Be sure to repeat this process three times a week. Cucumber slices on the eyes will also be useful for you.

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